During this Global Pandemic, where Corona Virus is the breaking news since March, and still continues to, the hunger of new theories and information gets modifies into the host of  untruth, myths surrounding the topic. Today we will discuss top 8 myths we get to hear very often, that you should not believe as it’s not true.

  1. Drinking alcohol can kill corona virus: Drinking Alcohol can not kill the viral particles that has already entered your body.

Although using alcohol or chlorine can be useful to disinfect the surface only when used under pertinent recommendation. Drinking alcohol can cause severe damaged to the body.

2. Only children and older people are affected by Corona virus: Corona Virus can affectpeople of all age. However the older people are at great risk because of the week Immune System.

Any individual preexistent with Diabetes, Heart Disease, Asthma are prone to catch the virus easily and get severely ill.

3. Everybody with corona virus dies: Not everybody with Corona Virus Dies. The recovered rate is increasing day by day, Covid -19 is fatal to a small section of infected people with relatively low Immune system or preexistent of any disease or illness.

The latest report by Chinese Centre of Disease Control and Prevention showed 80.9% Covid-19 cases were mellow. Whereas, WHO declared 80% of the infected people didn’t need specialist treatment in hospitals.

4. Parcel from china can spread the virus: Previous scientific research of similar cases like SARS, MERS and this time SARS-CoV-2 , the scientists believes that the corona Virus particles cannot survive on the letters or packages for the prolonged time because of its poor survivability on surfaces.

5. Dogs can spread Virus: The myth startedwhen a dog was tested positive in Hong Kong. Later it was found that the dog owner was infected first and from him the virus was transmitted into the dog. However WHO came forward stating that Corona Virus in dogs is impossible.

6. Taking hot bath can prevent the virus from infecting you : The symptoms of Corona Virus to the majority of people is Cough, Sneeze, Fever, headache, body ache, sore throat. In these situations hot water can make you feel relief and comfortable but there is no sign of curing the virus so far. Neither drinking nor taking a hot water bath can kill the virus.

7. Onset of temperature means decline of the virus: Previous viruses like SARS & MERS have survived better in the cold environment, but that does not prove that the virus is inactive in hot regions.

From the evidence so far it has been seen that the corona virus can be transmitted even in the regions of relatively high temperature as there are plenty of COVID-19 cases from hot and humid regions. So expecting that the corona virus might disappear in summer is a false hope.

8. Ayurvedic & herbal medicine can cure corona virus:  This controversy started when the ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) liberated the advisory council recommending that some of the Unani medicine can help preventing the corona virus. Although no supporting scientific backings have been found, so far.

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